Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.12
page 292
Lmgueoai, fir William de, takes the caftle of Mont Paon, IF. 122.—Surrenders it to the duke of Lancafter, 128.
Lorraine, the duke of, (lain at the batde of Crecy,
IL m. ,
Louis, fir Launcelot de, mortally wounded at
Cherbourg, V. 73. Louis, de Valois, marries, by procuration, Mar*
garct of Hungary, VIL 23. Lourde, the caftle of, befieged by the duke of
Anjou, VIL 58. 1 , the garrifon of, take fcvcral places in
France, VII. 135, et seç. Lowoaine, fir Nicholas, governor of Abbville,
taken prifoner by fir Hugh de Chatillon,
H1. 379.
Louvier, the town of, taken by the Englifh under Edward the Third, IL 142.
Luna, the cardinal de, elefted pope at Avignon, under the title ôf Benedict, XL 112.
Lusignan, the town of, in Poitou, taken by the earl of Derby, II. 181.—Surrenders to fir Bertrand du Guefclin, IV. 214.
Lusignan, king of Cyprus, arrives at Avignon, III. 103.—Vifits Germany to exhort tlte emperor to join the crufade againft the Saracens, 106.—-Vifits the king of Na-varre, 110.—Endeavours to prevail on the king of England to put on the crofs, 114. —Goes to Aquitaine to folic it the prince