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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 71
• apparently,more* important from their connexion*with Mftorical events,—-fuch as a coining of money, the arrivalof king John of France in England, the return of the duke of Brabant to. his country after his captivity, the viéiory gained by Charles VI. of France at Calel, the marriage of the duke . of Berry, the public entry of queen Ifabelia into Paris,. &a.
Froiflart has fucceeded better in his paftorals than in any other fpecies of poetry : • that Ample and ingenuous gaiety, JwMcb is the general character of his mind, he has transfufed wholly into the fentiments and deportment of. his fhepherds and fhepherdeflès. ~ The fubjéCts they difcufsf their manner • of treating^them, and their language, are alwayrconformafak to their ftate • and fentiments ; a lively joy animates their games and their paftknes ; but : to render it more ftriking,, M. de la Xlurne thus relates.a part of the fourths paftoral. - .
A rich fhepherd balances between the fear of lofing the afieCtion of his -miftrèfs; who threatens to leave him if he do not marry her; and the great-wealth his relations' promtfe: him. to prevent the match : he*, therefore^ confidentially fceks* advice i»itWs*embaiTaffment" from a Ihéphocd. who is* his friend,, and whofe. counfels end always with,.
Si tu peux avoir ta bergère, Oferois-tu demander mieux ?! "
Were that lovely maid your bridé,, What could you demand befide ?
At this moment the Ihfepherdefs"appears-; : they.advance to meet her-; and: the friend who has been confulted fays,, '.
# S'éllè veuteftre fartriette,- ' Oferois-tu. demander mieux 1* ' '
What compared is earthly gain»,
• £màà you.hot.QDûfent.obtaitt!- m ^./::;\.^,
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