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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 151
not the nameoFSleidanus alfo ftand in the tide?—2. The foregoing, rery* neatly printed, . in the Library.—3. With Sleidanus' Latin tranflation of Philip Comines, and. Claudius Sefelhus dé Rep. GaU.. in the collection. ^Tres Gallicarum rerum Scriptores. nobiliffimi. Francof. ad Moen. Ex Off. Typogr; Andr. Wecheli, 1578j folio, in the Library.—4; Among the* Seriptoribus Rerum Britannicarom Hier Commrf/ni -Heidelberg. 1587,. foL concerning which7 fcarcc coUeétion Freytag treats -nr-Appar. litter; T. u p* 337. fqq.—5. Beforer and with* the Comiruto Francof. ap. haredes Andr. WechiU 1584. JIi 914-pages.—6* The fame Amfiel op. J. et Coni^ Blaeu.. 1640. 12. 670 pages.—7. Alfo Ataftel.ap. J. Blr 1656 * 9. 664 pages.. Concerning thefe fee Freytag 1. c. p.* .343.. .
lyet fubjoin, 8*. a French tranflation of this Latin; abridgment, from* a French work, Les Oeuvres de Ji Sleidan qui concernent les Hiûoires qu'il* aefcrites. Geneve, che&JXrefpia, 1566, fotio*ui the Library .-^-d^The fecond ; edition with*tbe Jon. , Haaoviae.lypis. Wechchanis, apud Clauchum; Marnium, et heredes Joan- Aubrii. 1606.. Duodecimo, 951 pages. See: Fabricius, p.-634.. The editions-in.duodecimo, .of which I have.before-: me, N. 5. 6. 9. Mi occur fometimes-: both the Paris editions, ,N. .UJL are: much morerare.
«. 9. Le premier volume : De-1» mer dés hyftoires et croniques;de France. One title-leaf ; -. one leaf, preface ; ten leaves, contents ; text -267 numbered leaves :. one leaf with the mar Lof the pubiiiher..
LE fecond volume, de la mer des hyftoires. et chroniques de.France.. Eight leaves, title and contents; text,. 156,.and-116 numbered leaves.
LE tiers volume dè la mer deshyftoires et croniques de France. One: title-leaf; feven leaves, contents; text, 210.numbered leaves.
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