Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Calverly, fit Hugh, joins the prince of Wales in Aquitaine with a large body of the free companies, I. 798.—Endeavours to difluade the bifhop of Norwich from entering Flanders with the forces under his command, II. 667.
Cambray, the city of, befieged by Edward the Third, I. 95.
Cambridge, the earl of, fent to the affiftance of the prince of Wales in Aquitaine» I. 797.— Makes war in Perigord, &c. 799.—Takes the town of Bourdeilles, 82$.—Leads a body of troops to the relief of Belleperche, II. 39.—Returns to England, 77.—Appointed to the command of an army to go to the affiftance of the king of Portugal againft the king of Caftille, 456.—Arrives at Lifbon, 490.—Returns with his army, diftatisfied with the conduft of the king of Portugal, 537.—Created duke of York, III. 341; [For the re-maining particulars of this prince, fee York, the duke of.]
Camerolles, the caftle of, taken by the duke of Burgundy, I. 640.
Campreny, the earl of, captured by the captai of Buch, L 555.
Candorier, John, mayor of La Rochelle, obtains poffeffion of the caftle from the Englifli, by ftratagem, II. 123.
Canterbury, the archbifhop of, fent to Briftol by the duke of Gloucefter and the Londoners, on an embafly to Richard the Second, IIL 495.—Conducts the king to London, 496.—» Sent to France with an application from the Londoners to the earl of Derby to return to England, 640.—Conduits the earl to London, 648.
Capo mat, fir Caponnel de, liberated by exchange, II. 35.
Captai, the title explained, I. 418, note.
Carcilbart, the fort of, taken by the Englifh under fir Thomas Trivet, II. 268.
Carentan, the town off taken by Edward the Third, I. 301.—Retaken by the French under
the lord de Coucy, IL 241. Carhaix, the town of, taken by the lord Charles of Blois, I. 219. Carogne, fir John de, kills James le Gris in a mortal combat, IIL 346. Carquifois, the town of, taken by the lord Charles of Blois, I. 186. Cajfel, the battle of, I. 54.
Cajferes, the town of, taken by the count de Foix, III. 92.
Cajfuriel, the caftle of, in Auvergne, taken by Aimerigot Marcel, II. 295*
Cqftillon, the town of, taken by the duke of Anjou, II. 205.
Cervole, Arnauld de, the archprieft, colleâs a body of armed men and pillages Provence,
L 467.—Captured at the battle of Brignais, 581. Chalons, the town of, unfuccefsfully attacked by FIR Peter Audley, I. 435. Chalons, the bifhop of, fiain at the battle of Poitiers, I. 435.
Cbandos, fir John, receives the lands of St. Sauveur le Vicomte as a gift from the king of England, I. 572.—Appointed regent over air the poiTeifions of the king of England in