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The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.
page 104
Home, and defeated him. Afterwards he slew Flaminius, the Roman consul, at lake Thrasymene, and utterly destroyed his army.
CH. XV.—The Battle of Cannœ—Scipio—The Battle ofZama.
ANOTHER time Lucius &milius Paulus and twenty men of
consular and prsetorian rank were slain by him at Cannse, a
small town of Apulia ; many senators also were taken prisoners
and slain ; and three hundred men of noble birth ; and Varrò
the consul fled with fifty knights. Besides these, forty
thousand infantry soldiers and three thousand five hun
dred knights perished. And Hannibal, in testimony of his
victory, sent three bushels of golden rings to Carthage, which
he had stripped off the hands of the Roman knights who had
been slain. So that nearly all the flower of the Roman troops
perished in that battle ; and the Romans were in such despair,
that they thought it fit tt. deliberate on the plan of leaving
Italy and seeking a new habitation. After this, the two brothers
Scipio, both consuls of the Romans, were slain in Spain by
Hannibal's lieutenants. But their nephew, Scipio, who was
called Africanus, having received, by lot, a command in Spain
as proconsul, bent all his thoughts on avenging his father and
uncle, and crossing the Pyrenees, defeated Hasdrubal, the
general of the Carthaginians, in a battle, and stripped him of
his camp, and reduced all Spain, from the Pyrenees as far
as the ocean, to be again a Roman province. And then at
length Hannibal was compelled to return into Africa in order
to assist the harassed Carthaginians, and Scipio defeated him
in a pitched battle. In that battle twenty thousand five hun
dred and eighty Carthaginians were slain, and all the Car
thaginian elephants either taken or killed.
CH. XVI.—Description of Carthage—It is destroyed.
AT last Carthage was destroyed by the Romans ; a city which embraced thirty thousand paces within its waits, and was almost entirely surrounded by the sea, except the entrance, which was open for a space of three thousand paces. Moreover the town had a wall twenty feet thick, built of square etonet and ten cubits high. The citadel of the same city, which was called Byrse, contained a space of more than two thousand paces. On one side of it, its wall which served also for the city
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