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The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.
page 180
surpassed in every kind of learning all the doctors of his
time. At last, however, this preebyter became infatuated and
deceived, and said, " That the Son could not eee the Father,
nor could the Holy Spirit see the Son." He also said, " That
the souls had sinned in the beginning of the world, and had
deserved different torments for their different sins, and that
it was on this account that the world was made." He also said,
"That the Son was yet to suffer, and that he would redeem the
devils as well as men/' When he argued on the right side
no man spoke better, when on the wrong side no man spoke
A.S. 232. Pontianus was elected into the Roman chair, and he ruled four years, two months, and two days.
233. The emperor Alexander was slain at Mayence, in a tumult raised by the soldiers, after he had reigned thirteen years.
234. Maximums was elected emperor by'the army, without the consent of the senate, after he had carried on the war in Germany successfully ; and he reigned three years.
A.B. 235. The emperor Maximums put in force a persecution against the prelates of the Churches ; especially on account
o f Mammaea, the mother of Alexander, whom he had succeeded, and her most Christian family ; in which many persona flew to the kingdom of heaven, having obtained the crown
o f martyrdom.
A~B. 236. Pontianus, bishop of the Roman see, received the crown of martyrdom, and was buried in the cemetery of pop e Calixtus.
A.D. 237. Antherius was elected pope ; he eat in the Roman chair one month and fifteen days ; at the expiration of which, by the command .of Maximinus, he went to heaven as a martyr. Ba t after a few days, Maximinus himself was slain by Pompey.
A*I- 238. Gordian obtained the Roman empire ; he reigned six years. For Pompey, the slayer of Maximinus, and his brother Albinus, who had usurped the empire, were slain in the palace. The same year, Fabian was elected pope, and sat in the Roman chair fourteen years, eleven months, and eleven days.
A.D. 239. Lucianus ArVicanus flourished, among the ecclesiastical writers. And he is spoken of as exceedingly learned in all philosophical studies, and in all the learning of the Greeks.
A.D. 240· Origen, in Csesarea of Palestine, instructed Theo
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