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The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.
page 286
teacher of the Scots and Picts, died, and left many proofs of bis holiness to later ages.
599. Redwald, king of the East Angles, died, and Eorpenwald succeeded to the helm of the kingdom.
600. Childebert, king of the Franks, died, and his two eons, Theodebert and Theodoric, reigned in his stead.
601. The blessed pope Gregory sent the pallium to Augustine, to the church of London, which at that time was the metropolis of the Britons, as Bede testifies in his History of the Angles.
602. The contention which had arisen between the Roman church and the arrogance of John, bishop of Constantinople, who usurped the name of Universal Patriarch, and which having commenced in the time of Pope Pelagius had been carried on with no want of energy by pope Gregory, was terminated by the death of John, when there had been no previous possibility of ending it.
AD . 603. Ethelred, king of the Northumbrians, fighting against the Britons at Caerleon, slew a great number of religious men belonging to the abbey of Bangor.
At this time the man of God, Augustine, availing himself of the authority and assistance of king Ethelbert, summoned to Us synod the bishops and doctors of the nearest province of Britain to the place which, in the language of the Angles, is called to this day 9ugu*tine'* flfe, that is to say, the Oak of Augustine, on the borders of the West Saxons and the Wictians, and began to persuade them with fraternal admonitions to hold the catholic faith with him, and to unite with him in undertaking the joint labour of preaching the gospel to the nations for the sake of the Lord ; as hitherto they had celebrated the sacred feast of Easter and done many other things in a manner contrary to the unity of the church. And after a long discussion, when they would not assent to either the prayers or exhortations of Augustine, he said, " Brethren, let us pray to Almighty God that he will deign to show us by heavenly signe which tradition is to be followed, and by what path we ought to hasten on our journey to the kingdom of heaven. Let some sick man be brought, and let all belief be placed in, and all authority given to, that party by whose prayers he is cured." And when his adversaries, though against their will,
had agreed, a sick man was brought in, deprived of his eye
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