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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 301

Sunday, it seemed to the more prudent men of the army, and especially to Reginald, formerly count of Boulogne, that it was improper to engage in battle on such a festival, and to profane such a day by slaughter and the etfusion of human lilood. The Roman emperor Otho coincided in this opinion, and said that he had never gained a triumph on such a day ; on hearing this Hugh de Roves broke forth into blasphemy, calling count Reginald a base traitor, and reproaching him with the lands and large possessions he had received as gifts from the king of Kngland ; he added also that, if the battle was put off that day, it would redound to the irreparable loss of king John, for " delays are always dangerous when things arc ready." Rut count Reginald, in reply to the taunts of Hugh, said indignantly, "This day will prove me faithful, and you the traitor; for even on this very Sunday, if necessary, I will stand up in battle for the king, even to the death, and you, according to your custom, will, by Hoeing from the battle, show yourself a most base traitor in the presence of all. By these and other abusive words of the said Hugh, the whole multitude were stirred up and excited to battle; they therefore all flew to arms and boldly prepared for fighting. When all were armed, they arranged themselves in three bodies, over the first of which they appointed l'errami count of Flanders, Reginald earl of Ronlogne, and William earl of Salisbury, as commanders; the command of the second they gave to William duke of Holland, and Hugh de Roves, with his Brabant followers; the command of the third was assigned to Otho the Roman emperor and his fighting men : and in this manner they slowly marched forth against the enemy, and arrived in sight of the French army. When the Frenili king saw that his enemies wore prepared for a pitched battle, he ordered the bridge in his rear to be broken down, that, in ca.*c any of his army should endeavour to fly, they should bave no «bere to fly except amongst the enemy. The French king having drawn up his troops, surrounded by his waggons and other vehicles, as already mentioned, there awaited the assault of his enemies. In short, the battalions commanded by the above-named counts burst upon the ranks of the French with such impetuosity, that in a moment they broke ibeir ranks, and forced their way even up to where the Frcn ;h

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