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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 451
450 noe, ICI: OF WF.XOOVER. f Λ . D. 1-2-21.
would excommunicato tliem unless tlicy desisted from their purpose; therefore, following the wisest plan, they all went to the king at Northampton, and each of them, commencing with the earl of Chester, resigned to the king the castles ami towns, honours ami charges, which pertained to the crown. Their ill-will against the, king, however, still remained, because lie would not dismiss the justiciary. The promoters of this disturbance were the earl of Chester, the earl of
Albemarle, John, constable of Chester, Falcasius with his castellans, Robert de Vi pout, Brian de L'isle, Peter de Mmilcon, Philip .Marc, Kngchird deAthie, William de Cautelo, William his son, and many others, who were all using their utmost endeavours to disturb the peace of the kingdom.
llotc Louis the French king subdued Rochelle ttnd the rest of I'oictou,
In the same year. Louis the French king led a large army to Rochelle, to subline it by force or by bribery; and on his arrival there be oll'ered the inhabitants a large sum of money to give up the city, make their allegiance to him, and obey bini for the future. They, thinking that they were abandoned by the king of Kngland, and being overcome by the entreaties and bribes of Louis, delivered Rochelle up to him. lie then placed his knights and soldiers in the city
and castle, and, having taken security from tin- whole of Poictou, he returned home peaceably without bloodshed. Rochelle is a port in Poictou, where the kings of Kngland and their knights usually landed for the defence of those districts; but now the way was closed against the king, owing to the pints which were being prepared against him by his barons in Kngland.'"'
ttf the siege of Redford castle and the council of SorthanirJon.
In the same year, in the octaves of the Holy Trinity, the king, the archbishops, bishops, earls, barons, and many others,
* Paris adds here: '· Oh, innate treachery of I'oictcvins ! There was only one citizen who put himself forward for the defence of his lord the Knglish king, nnd he was afterwards discovered to ha w hidden the standard of the king where he could produce it when that monarch was again restored, and he was seized by his treacherous fellow citizens, and hung ", hi" as he died for a just cause, it is clear that tie was a glorious martyr ; his son, named William, was promoted to ihe government of ihe cium h of St. .Julian at St. Alhan's."
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