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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 522

Λ.I). 1229. ] RESTORATION OF THE IIOLV LAND. justice, have annulled that election, and have thought proper to place in that paradise, to manage and guard it, master Richard, chancellor of Lincoln, a man of dignity, one hy his life and know ledge, understanding and disposition, made after the image and likeness of (iod, and one hy his wholesome doctrines having the breath of life, and whom, as well from the evidence of our bre thren who knew him when pursuing his studies, as from that of our venerable brethren the bishops of Rochester and Coventry, and of several others, we have discovered to le a man of distin guished learning, goodly conversation, unblemished fame, and great perseverance, aud a zealous protector of souls and of the liberty of the church, and have, hy the advice of our brethren, and in the presence of the above-mentioned bishops, appointed the said Richard archbishop and pastor of the church of Canterbury. Wherelore, by these apostolic letters, we warn and exhort the brotherhood of you, as the sons of charity and devotion, to receive and give heed to him, to the honour of God, the apostolic see, and the church of Canterbury, with due humility and sincere devotion, and humbly and devoutly to obey him as your father, and the pastor of your souls, and as your metropolitan bishop. You ought indeed to rejoice in the bord that, chiefly by the co-operation of the grace of him who both prevents and assists our exertions, a praiseworthy provision has been made for that widowed church, (iiven, ito."* How the Holy Land was restored to the emperor Frederic. In the same year, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Consoler of the world, visited his people in his compassion, and in compliance with the prayers of the universal church, restored to the Christian people in general, hut to the Roman emperor Frederic in particular, the city of Jerusalem and the whole country which the Lord our Redeemer and Son of God had consecrated by his blood. Such was the good-will of our Lord to his people, of hiin who exalts the merciful to eternal life, that he may work vengeance un the nations, and dissension amongst the tribes of the Saracens. For at that time the sultan of Babylon was so severely harassed by internal wars in all directions, that not being able to attend to more, he was compelled to make a truce of ten years with the emperor, and to give up the Holy Land to the Christians without bloodshed. And thus a good war was scut by the Lord that a had peace might be broken ; but that this kindness of the * C. inserts here : " It is known, however, that the deposition of master Walter monk of Canterbury, was obtained by the agency of master Alextinder de St.ivenesby bishop of Chester, anil master Henry de S.eultord li shop of Rochester, and some others, the chief of whom was ina.ster John de lletotoft archdeacon of liedford, not in a proper manner, nor as was advantageous to their souls, liut this is, however, shown at sutlieietit length above.1'

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