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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 538

A.I). 12.30.] KINO IIE.VKY Λ Τ GASCONY. asked the king to allow them two hundred knights from his army, to join them in invading Normandy, and promised the king that they would without fail expel all the French race from that province ; this also Hubert the justiciary refused to allow, asserting that it would be unwise for the king to expose his soldiers to death just at his own pleasure. And thus these nobles found themselves wofully deceived, for the French king immediately disinherited them, and converted their castles and all their property tu his own uses. How the F.nqlish king marched into Gascony, nnd received homage there. After this the king of Kngland, by the advice of Hubert dc lîoiirg, marched from Brittany with his army through Anjou, and arrived in Poictou ; from this latter province he proceeded into (Jaseony, where he received the homage of the people, and, alter making arrangements for the security of that district, he returned into Poictou. and there he received the homage of a great many of the inhabitants. In this expedition, the king besieged the castle of Mirobelle, and owing to the commendable valour of the Knglish. who kept up fierce and continued assaults on it, ho com pelled the besieged to surrender, and then departed, taking them away as prisoners. In the month of August of this year, his holiness pope Gregory and the Roman emperor Frederick, hy means of the interposition of Christians and allies on both sides, came to terms of peace ; the Roman emperor went to Rome and was absolved, and all the places under the jurisdiction of the empire were restored to him in their former condition. This great priest and the most mighty emperor then feasted togcthi r for three days in the palace of the supreme pontili', and the cardinals and the nobles of the empire rejoiced in this sudden continuation of a peace of which they had given up all hope. In the same year, Ralph earl of Chester garrisoned and supplied with provisions and arms the castle at St. John de Bevtron. which Ivy hereditary right belonged to the countess his wife : for llenrv count of Brittany had given up that castle to the carl, whin he joined the side of the king of Kngland, and received from the kii j. all his possessions and rights in Kngland. (H the peace made between the French king and the barons. In this year, in the month of September, the French king at..I his mother the queen, and the nobles of that kingdom, who, siin e the death of king bonis had been at war one with another, as ha» been stated above, met at a conference to treat about a peace, which was arranged on the following terms : it was unanimously determined by the aforesaid nobles that the count of CI am; ague, who had been the principal cause of this discord, should assume the cross, and with a hundred knights should undertake a pilgrimage to th" Holy Land, there to light against the ι m mies ol t hrist , and the French king and his mother swore en the holy gospels, that thev would restore to each of them their riedite, ami tl.-n

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