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The Templars in Cyprus
page 142
•c. it.] nit TiMiiaKa is crmus. IS9
A lord of men ! but they aro likewise lords,
Because they're Men !1 Show them the way to reach
Our Order's goal, which gleams victoriously
O'er death and tyranny j their father be,
And thoy most certainly will never dream
A warm |atemal heart can lient tho worse
If covered by no Cross ; behold ! all this
Thou caiut do,—thou may'st do far more than I
Can compass. Oft, indeed, ono man alone
Can more achieve than when combin'd with thousands;
For hard to influence aro tho wills of men,
And rarely does tho better sense prevail.
Thou pourest oil into my bleeding wounds, Hut host thou balm to soothe tho agony Of loaving thee r
MOLAT (restraining his filings with difficulty). Tho balm for noble souls I», doing good. I,—to my sorrow too oft Denied, O God! —this privilego by fate, Commend it unto thee ; it docs but wait Thy coming—go and meet it, happy man !
(Orerciiie hy emotion.) And if some day, thou lean on thy wife's breast, Thy children round thee, and a ray of joy, !l«-amcd from tho world's Crentor, thrill thy veins ; Then think of mo who knew not father's joys, Nor on flesh of his flesh might evermore Repose his weary head, his bleeding breast !—
1 II is commonlr admitted that, while the accusation brought against list Templar* of Kssl rn heresies and tho * ilest criminality (how far true or false it is hard to say) was the ostensible motor of iheir down-fall, the n.tusl cause of it was their immense wealth, which had be «an* a menace to the rest of the world. Itut this is an insufficient explanation. They were obnoxi us through hating taken up the cause of tbe iwople and the right* of humanity ; and by being the Ant to lift their mice* against the iniquities attendant on feudality, soil tho d. •|-tism of Chun h and L DC, they became antagonistic to the ruling poser* of Kumpe.— '/rase.
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