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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 61
into the hands of our aforefaid brother, he fhall not le obliged to furrender th'em : and if the parts aforefaid owe homage to us, or our fucceffors^ he fhall grant them to others, who will pay us that homage ; but, if they do not owe homage, he {hall then give them to a tenant that {hall do us fuit and fervice, within the year enfuing upon our departure from Calais.
Item, the caftle and town of Calais : the caftle, town and lordfliip of Mjerle ; the towns, caftles and lordfhips of Sangate, Couloigne, Ham, Walles and Oye, with the lands, woods, marfhes, rivers, rents, lordfhips, advowfons of churches, and all other ap-purtenances and places lying within the limits and bounds following ; that is to fay, from Calais to the courfe of the river before Gravelines,- and alio by the courfe of the river which falls into the great lake of Guines, as far as Fretun, and from thence by the valley round the mountain of Chalk, inclofmg that mountain, and as far as the fea, including Sangate and all its appurtenances.
Item, the king of England fhall alfo poffefs the caftle, town, and the whole county of Guines, with all its caftles, towns, fortreffes, woods, lands, men, homages, lordfhips, forefts, rights, as completely as the laft count of Guines, lately decëafed, held it during his life : and the churches and good men, being within the boundaries of the faid county and other places above mentioned, fhall obey him in the fame manner as they did our aforefaid brother, the count of Guines, for that time. All thefe things comprehended in the prefent article,, ^nd in the pre*
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