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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 72
%hat had pafled, with orders to gîte them ufi and quit them. The Mug of England, who was fin* cerely defirous of maintaining t good underftandlng and peace between himfelf and the king of France his brother, as he had before fworn and promifed* readily acceded to this requeft, which he thought rafonabie. He ordered his people to make it out in the cleared manner they could, to the fatis&ftioa of the king of France and his council. The moft able of thê counfeîlors of the two kings aforefaid united^ and then was drawn up, written and engroffed by the advice of each other, a commiflxon, the tçnor of which is underneath.
Edward, by the grace of GOD, king of England, lord of Ireland and of Aquitaine, to all our captains, governors of towns and caftles, adherents and allies, fcemg m parts of France, as well in Picardy, îâ Burgundy, m Anjou, in Berry, in Normandy, iti Brittany, in Auvergne, in Champagne, or Maine; in Tonrauie, and within the boundaries and limits ef France, greeting. As peace and concord is now JtaBhfhed between us, cur allies and adherents on the one part, and our dear brother the king of France, his allies and adherents on the other part, In negard to aft quarrels or difcords which we may Itave had in times paft ; and having fworn upon the Ikidjp of.Jksur Cmtisr, as well our dear eldeft fon and dtfteis* dur chiidyeii, and thofe of our blood, as Hktewïfe many prelates, barons and knights, and the principal men' of our kingdom ; and alfo our faid brother, and: our nephew the duke of Normandy, a&d oar other* rtephews his children, with many
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