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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 73
"barons, knights and pfrfatef of the find Ungdoia of France, to maintain and firmly beep the peaces abd as it may foi out or happen that tone wiimfiNaa our kingdom, or other of our fubjeâs, may ende*-vour to do or undertake thinga century to the find peace by taking, or detaining fortti towse^ dtiassnd catties, or in pillaging and arrefting peifcn^ and taking from them their good% merehanriife or other things, a&ing againft the (aid peace (the winch will highly difpleafe us, and we cannot nor will not ftrffar it, nor pais it aver under any fort of difTem-bling). We, willing to remedy thefe aforefaid thinga with all our power, wifh, define and ordain, by the deliberation of our council, that none of our fob* jeSs or allies, whatever their ftate or condition may be, do, or endeavour to do, any dung contrary to the faid peace, by pillaging, taking or derininy farte, perfons or goods of any Sut m the kingdom of France, or belonging to our find brother, hiÉ iubjeds, ailes or adheres* whomfimm And ha cafe there fhould be found any one that a#e contrary to this feid peace, and who doe* not ccafe front £» doing, nor renders back the damages he any hays committed within the fpace of one month from tte time he fhall be required fo to do by any of our officers, fierjeaits or public pcvfbnf, far this aft akme, without other fuk or condemnation, be finU be reputed banîiied from our veaha m* fions ou* proteâkm-, as well as from the iatgdoia ami ÈÊÈÊËÊM tories of our faid brother; afl his gw«l§ oméimÈÊë mà fubjeâed to OUF governance; mà if he Jfcaukt e found k our M^gdbm^ we COTME^^ and • - 6 pjrefiiy
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