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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 74
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prefsly will* that pu'nffhment fhotild be infli&ed on Mm, as a flpbei* and traitor to us, according to the cuftoraary ptmifhinent for kzemajefté, without any pardon, $oace or ireiaiffion : and we will that the lame be danç tajaup fubjeâs, of whatever condition they may Ije, who, in our kingdom on either fide df; the feâ,. fhall feize, occupy or detain any forts whatever contrary to the will of thofe to whom they belong ; or who (hall burn or ranfom towns or per-fbns, and fhall pillage or bè guilty of robberies, or who fhall ftir up, ware within our realm againft our fubjeôs.
r We therefore, order, command and exprefsly en-join all our fenefchals, bailiffs, provofts, captains of caftlesor othereour officers, under pain of incurring aurhigh difpieàfiire, and of lofing their offices, that they proclaim, or caufe to' be proclaimed, thefe prrientsin the moft public places of their diftri&s, baâiwicks, proVbftfhips and caftlewicks ; and that no one, after having feen and heard this proclamation, remain in any-foit which belongs to the kingdom of Ffcanee, except according to the tenor of the treaty of ; peace, under pain of being confidered as an enemy to us and to our aforefaid brother the king of France; and that they, in all the aforefaid.points, conform to, preferve and make to be ftri&ly dbferved every particular. And bè it knowa to all, that if they fail,-or are negligent, in addition to the punifhmeot aforefaid, we will make them pay the ftjfies to all thofe who through their fault or negleft ftay have been aggrieved, ox fuffered any lofs; and VHth .this we will punifh them in fuch a planner V-:.. « ' that
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