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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 182
requeft; and immediately they fent workmen, whd levelled the caftle Vith the ground.
The duke marched next to a caftle called Drue, which is fituated in the plains of Beauce, and was in the poffeflion of pillagers. He took it by ftorm, and killed all that were found in it. He then halted before a caftle called Preux, and furrounded it on all fides. He made many an aflault, in hopes of car-rying it ; but at laft the garrifon furrendered on havw ing their lives fpared : they carried nothing with them : but all the French remained prifoners at the duke's will.
The duke ordered the caftle to be taken poffeflion of by his marfhals, and made a prefent of it to a knight of Beauce, called fir Peter du Bois, in order that he might fufKcientty guard and repair it. The duke, and the greater part of his army, went after this to Chartres, to refrefh themfelves.
When he had been there five or fix days, he fet out ta befiege the caftle of Connie *, which had done much mifchief to all the country round, and pointed againft it fix large machines.
Puring the time thefe fieges, aflaults and con* quefts were going forward in Beauce and Normandy, the lord Lewis de Navarre was overrunning Au-vergne. He kept the field, and impoverifhed the whole country ; for no one went forth againft him. Thofe alfo who were at la Charité upon the Loire did in fhofe parts juft what they pleafed.
t* Coanie.-^a village in Beauce, ciedion of Châteaudun.
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