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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 348
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England, to propôfe it .to the king, his uncle* and his council. However, to fheW that this matter was quite agreeable to him, and that he was anxious about it, he fent two of his knights to England under good paffports.
Thefe knights, thelord delà Houffayc and the lord de Mailly, managed matters fo well that the duke of Lancafter, the earl of Buckingham, the bifhop of Hereford, the lord John Holland, bro-ther to the king, the lord Thomas Percy and others of the king's council were ordered to Calais, having full pov/ers from the king of Eng-land to conclude a peace or truce, according to their pleafure.
On the other hand, there came to Boulogne the duke of Berry, the duke of Burgundy, the bifhop of Laon and the chancellor of France, having alfo full powers from the king of France and his council to conclude either a peace or truce. _ _ .
When affembled at Calais and Boulogne, they were delayed a fhort time by the non-arrival of the deputies from Spain ; for the French would not eriter into any treaty that did not at the fame time include the Spaniards. At. laft, a bifhop, k dean and two knights arrived on the part of the king of Spain.
As they were not empowered on either fide to grant paffports, that the negotiators from France might come to Calais, or the Englifh go to Bou-logne* it was fettled between them, that the con* fereuee fhould be transferred to a village that had
a churck
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