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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 349
a church, half way between thefe two townsy above Buiffem*, called Bolingesf. ' Thither all the parties went, and the lords, with their coun-cil, were together for many days. The duke of Brittany and the earl of Flanders were pre-fent, and the great tent of Bruges was pitched, wherein the earl entertained at" dinner the duke of Lahcafter, the earl of Buckingham and the other Englifh ' lords. Each negotiator kept up a grand ftate -y but, notwithftanding there were many conferences holden, yet they could not agree upon a peace, for the French wanted the Englifh to give up Calais,. Guines, and all the fbrtrefses which they pofsefsed in ^ Normandy, Brittany, Poitou, Saintonge and la Rochelle, as far as the river Garonne.
But the Englifh would not any way liften to fuch a propofal ; nor would they ever confent to give back fuch places as Calais, Guines, Cher-bourg or Breft. » Thefe conferences lafted three " weeks, in which they or their councils difcufled thefe matters daily.
At this period, the gallant duke Winceflaus of Bohemia departed this life,* in the town of Lux-embourg : he was in his time magnificent, Mythe* prudent, amorous and polite ; and, when he died, it was-faid that the prince of the higheft birth, of the moft noble blood, and moft numeroufly and honourably connected was gone. God have mercy '
4 Probably what is now Haut Buiflbn.
t Q. If not Jtoliihgbem, now a viBage near Boulogne,
• . on
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