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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.12
page 208
Atfdregken, fir Arnold d*, captured at die battle of Poitiers, II. 322.—AdvifesHenry, king 1 of Caftille, not to hazard a batde with the prince of Wales, III. 295.—Captured at the battle of Navarete, 313.
St. Andrews, the bifhop of, taken prifoner at the battle of Ncvil's Crofs, II. 196.
Anghein, the lord d\ take the town of Gram-mont, in Flanders, for the earl* VI. 3.— Slain before Ghent, 61
Angle, fir Guifcard d9, appointed marfhal of Gui-ertne, III. 102.—Travels through France to Acquitaine in difguife, 394.—Created a knight of the garter, IV. 152-—Captured * by the Spaniards before La Rochelle, 161. —Ranfomed, 253.—Appointed tutor to Richard the Second, IV. 283.—Dies- in London, V. 179, 374.
Angoulème, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby, II. 93.—By the duke of Norman-dy, 114.—Surrenders a fécond time to the French, IV. 190.
Anjou, the duke of, fent to the affiftance of the Bretons m the intercft of the lord Charles pf Blois, III. 119.—Summons his vafials to make war on the prince of Wales in Acquitaine, 400.—Heads an army againft Guienne, IV. 73.—Breaks up his expedi-tion, 92.—Leads an army into Upper 'Gafcony, 249.^-Takes the town of Lourde, 250.—Makes a truce with the duke of
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