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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.12
page 209
Lancafter, 253.—Takes feveral places m Upper Gafcony, 257.—Undertakes an ex-pedition againft the Englilh in the lourde-lois, 304.—Takes the town of Bergerac, 307.—Takes fevcraL other places in Gaf-cony, 321 ct fcq.—Returns to Touloufe, 332.—Colle&s another army againft the Englilh in Gafcony, 380.—Makes war on Brittany, V. 72.—Receives the territories of the queen of Naples»as a gift from pope Clement, 91.—Seizes the jewels of his brother king Charles the Fifth, 224,^ Seizes ttye Government of France as regent during the minority of Charles the Sixth, 225—Makes preparations to march for Naples, VI. 19.—Sets out for Italy, 36.—» enters Naples, 40.—Dies at a caftle near Naples, 367.—Takes Malvoifin, VII. 152*.
. • It may not be improper to obferve here, once fo* all, upon a circumftance which will doubUefs excite the furprift of the reader, that in this initance, as well as feveraï others in different parts of the Index, events are inferted fubfequently to the account of the death of the agent This has ariien un-avoidably from the manner in which Froiilart compofed his hillory, and from new and additional information communi-cated to him many years after he had completed the former part of his work, and had mentioned the death of the perfon to whom fuch information. related. Bat it was confidered that it would have been a%ain and fruitleû attempt to reûify this imperfection ; it has, therefore, been deemed advUeablc to leave things as they were found, and to infert the events fele&ed for the Index in the order and rotation in which they fppe&f noticed by the Author himfelf. JL
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